Predicting Déjà Vu ~ 8 July 2022

How does one predict déjà vu? There’s an interesting thing about astrological patterns. When something notable happens at a specific degree, that zodiacal reference marker continues to glow brightly and when other transits to that degree occur, the significance and effects of that notable degree prevail and appear in real world manifestations and occurrences.

Before this calendric year is complete, the action guy/god, Mars plans on a retrograde romp in Gemini. Mars’ retrogradation is the second most rare amongst the planets in the solar system. Of course, for getting things done, this portends bad news, according the most classical of delineations. However, with some keen looking ahead, it turns out that one might be able to predict some déjà vu regarding deeds Mars deems important to do.

So here’s what Mars is up to in the near future, that is, following his recent ingress into Taurus.

20 August: Mars enters Gemini at 07:56 UT.

30 October: Mars turns retrograde in Gemini at 13:26 UT, 25 Gemini 36. Stick a pin in this point as a notable degree for future transits.

08 December: Mars in Gemini opposes the Sun in Sagittarius at 16 degrees. This marks the halfway point of the retrograde and is an A-OK day to act as if Mars matters most.

12 January 2023: Mars in Gemini resumes direction motion at 20:56 UT, 8 Gemini 06.

15 March 2023: Mars in Gemini clears the shadow degree of initial retrogradation. Stick a second pin here.

Take a moment and review the pins at the twenty-five and a half degree marker of Gemini. In the past week Mercury transited this degree where Mars goes Hokey Pokey and turns it all about. Immediately thereafter, Mercury in forward march mode, continued to oppose the Galactic Center (from 27 Gemini 08) up until they entered Cancer (and within hours of that time, Mars entered Taurus).

The crux of this mental stimulation was to kick back and idly percolate, “That’s a cool idea. Someone should do that. I’d buy one of those and use it, too.” Without considering the fact that the Galactic Center across the sky clears its throat and replies, “And who thought of that?” let’s advance to the next transit to the point where Mars reverses course. There may be a bit of an inclination currently to hand off ideas to those one feels are more suited to the task or with the time and funding. If that happens, remember that whatever handoff you did is binding. It may be difficult to you to inch back into the team later and reclaim the idea.

On 14 July Venus transits the degree of Mars’ retrogradation, then advances to oppose the Galactic Center. Here, one might recall the ideas floating about in the brain at the beginning of this month. The recall might muse as to what it would take in terms of funding and energy to manifest those ideas. Should that happen to you, grab a pad and write down what you would need to get started and fully fulfill the tasks required for such a manifestation. It doesn’t have to be a complete budget. More, it needs to be close with a precise assessment of what would be required of you and if the intention to follow through is there. That’s it for now.

When Mars enters Gemini the repeating presence of such ideas becomes more notable. Who knows, maybe between August and the end of October a line is cast into the waters of creativity? As the end of October rolls around and Mars retrogrades, the enthusiasm for fulfilling the idea wanes a bit. Life feels complicated. The holidays are coming and all of the things that can be used to excuse directly focused action blur the line of sight. No matter. When Mars and the Sun oppose in December, the status of the ideas shifts from “back burner,” “on hold” and “whenever I can” to this really needs to happen. Prompted action resumes.

This course of action leads to a mid-March 2023 assessment of where things stand. This assessment seeks to include revisions and perceived retooling required and if more fiscal resources more easily pave the way forward, those can effectively be pursued given the vast accomplishments that you and whatever team was required have successfully completed. As the middle of the month unfolds, the feeling of running in mud transitions to the sensation scampering across terra firma with a clear destination in mind.

At this juncture, sit a spell. See if you can recollect how this whole thing got started, grew legs and took on a life force of its own. Recall the inspiration that prompted your participation. Then, review the key moments of the process that got you to this juncture of the journey. If fact, this reverie effort will feel a heap like déjà vu. In this review, it is possible to see how life summons attention and prompts response on your part. Next thing you know, you have a handle on Mars that ensures your one of those who makes the most of any mix entering your mind.

More soon.

Next week the first images from the recently launched Webb telescope will be released: The mirror for this telescope was fabricated in Tucson by University of Arizona astronomers in a facility under the stadium where the college football team plays. From the underground to the Universe! Astronomers who have already previewed the images promise we will be dazzled and titillated by the images.